1. Anyone with medindemnity.com.my account is eligible to join the affiliate program. Medindemnity affiliate system terms and conditions apply

  2. The affiliate will be asked to register one valid id information and their bank account number in order to receive the monthly referral fees. medindemnity.com.my privacy policy applies

  3. Each affiliate will be provided with a designated unique referral code and unique referral link that they can use to promote medindemnity.com.my

  4. Each successful referral purchase using either the referral link or referral code entitles the affiliate to a referral fee

  5. A successful referral is defined as a customer transaction via the referral link or via the referral code that results in an official purchase and was not cancelled within the policy’s free look period look period. The insurance policy must be inforced for it to be official

  6. For prospective customers who click on the referral link, sign-ups will be attributed to the corresponding affiliate. The referral code, on the other hand, can be used by the customer upon checkout without going through the referral link.

  7. Note that the referral code supersedes the referral link. To illustrate, a customer signs up to medindemnity.com.my via Affiliate A’s referral link but proceeds to buy a product using Affiliate B’s referral code upon checkout. Affiliate B then gets the referral fee from this transaction

  8. The referral attribution is valid for 30 days from the date of the customer’s sign-up. If a sale happens from a referring link outside of the 30-day window, the sale won’t be valid and the affiliate won’t receive payout

  9. Affiliates can earn referral fees per product sale depending on the corresponding insurance category.

  10. There would be a minimum earning threshold of accumulation of RM50 and above in order to qualify for a payout

  11. Payout will be released every 8th of the month. If the 8th falls on a holiday or a weekend, the payout will be released the following business/working day

  12. Each account is for use by either a single legal entity (e.g. a company or a partnership) or an individual user. We do not permit you to share your user name and password with any other person nor with multiple users on a network. Responsibility for the security of any user names and passwords issued (including those of any Invitees) rests with you.

  13. You may not use the Program for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of the Program, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).

  14. We may also provide graphical images that can be used within the links to promote Medindemnity,com.my  You may not modify these images in any way. We reserve the right to change the images at any time without notice.

  15. In the event whereby the person you referred cancel an order, the referral fee will be revoked.

  16. Accrued referral fees are paid via bank transfer roughly once per month. The Affiliate will then raise an invoice to Medindemnity.com.my for the indicated amount. You must have a valid bank account to receive referral fees, as we do not offer payment via cheque/check, credit card, cash or other method.

  17. Customer payments refunded or payments charged-back due to credit card fraud do not qualify for referral fees. We may delay crediting of referral fees subject to risk analysis considerations and Anti-Money Laundering procedures.

  18. A summary of orders referred by you and statement of referral fees is available to the Affiliate by logging into the Affiliate Area.

  19. The referral fee structure is subject to change at our discretion.

  20. The referral fee is according to the table referral fees.

  21. The referral fee will be credited to your Affiliate account once the customer pays their subscription

  22. Referral fees are only earned if a customer makes a payment in full.

  23. In the event whereby the person you referred cancel an order, the referral fee will be revoked.